Father's Day Memories


Pastor Tandberg preaching the Word of God!

Sister Anita Tandberg - 2017




Christmas 2007 - The entire family


The Tandberg Family - Thanksgiving 2007


Pastor Tanderg & Pastor Derrald Hilderbrand

Photo taken on August 17, 2008 at the "Old Fashion Sunday" in Wausau, WI


The Glennas, Tandbergs and Hilderbrands - August 17, 2008



John Tandberg 80th Birthday - Power Point Presentation (You must have Power Point Installed On Your Computer)



John and Anita On Their Wedding Day - June 29, 1950

Eunice Burns, Anita & John Tandberg, Douglas Tandberg
June 29, 1950 



Grover & Luretta Burns, Anita & John Tandberg, Clara & Ingvald Tandberg
June 29, 1950 



John Tandberg Playing His Guitar 1945


Bill Velie & John Tandberg – November 2005

I Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.


Pentecostal Assembly Church - 2005

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love,
which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints,
and do minister.  Hebrews 6:10

Pastor & Sis. Tandberg – 1971
First year as Pastor of Pentecostal Assembly






John Tandberg 1929       






John Tandberg 1945




Grover and Luretta Burns - 1979


John Tandberg - 1980



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