A Tribute to Bro. & Sis. Tandberg July 17, 2005
January 31, 1971, was a cold and snowy winter day. The Tandberg family traveled to Thorp Pentecostal Church that morning, as they had done every Sunday since April of 1968. This would be their last service, for Bro. Tandberg gave his resignation as Pastor to the people who had grown so dear. That Sunday evening, Bro. & Sis. Tandberg held their first church service at Pentecostal Assembly Church in Eau Claire where there were less than twenty people in attendance. The church had suffered difficulty, and Bro. Tandberg’s vision “Be watchful, and strength the things which remain, that are ready to die.” Revelation 3:2 Bro. Tandberg began teaching Bible Studies where the power of God fell and people received the Holy Ghost. Sis. Tandberg’s hands flowed across the piano, leading in unending hours of anointed music and worship. New converts began to fill the church and were grounded in the Word of God and hundreds were baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. A longtime vision finally came to pass when New Hope Christian began in 1978 continues today. In 1984 a Fellowship Hall was completed where church services were then held. In May of 1997, new construction began for a larger sanctuary. On June 10, while digging the basement, a main wall caved in. This was a setback, but the church rallied together and construction continued. On June 24, 1998, after a Wednesday evening service, a fire broke out in the roof and eventually destroyed the new construction. Bro. Tandberg, who never gave in to defeat, encouraged us all and said, “We may have lost everything, but haven’t lost God!” The devastating setback did not hinder the “church.” The people were unified and many volunteered hours to help with the laborious task of cleanup and building began again. “So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work.” Nehemiah 4:6 The new sanctuary was complete in 1999 and Dedication services were held in June 2000. The church has continued to grow since that cold January day in 1971. People have come and people have gone. Bro. Tandberg married his two daughters and baptized his grandchildren. Bro. Tandberg has dedicated many babies to the Lord; married many couples; counseled many people; and preached the funerals of many dear saints who have gone on to be with the Lord. Bro. Tandberg has mentored many people who have furthered their ministry by becoming pastors and missionaries such as Brian Wiseman and Ray Nicholls. Through the years, the church has grown and a capable staff of dedicated people continue to make the church what it is today. Bro. Tandberg collapsed on Sunday morning, October 6, 2002 while preaching. This resulted in heart surgery. He eventually regained his strength and continued to minister. We may never know all of the significant results that may be credited to Bro. & Sis. Tandberg’s ministry. They are two warriors who have given unselfishly for the Gospel of Christ. They have stood strong on Bible principles and have led by godly example and true character. Their leadership is a legacy that will live on. Their labor of love shall not be forgotten. God bless you Bro. & Sis. Tandberg, we love you!
This article was written for special services held Sunday, July 17, 2005 in honor of over 34 years of faithful service at Pentecostal Assembly Church.